The E.C.O. Center
Our Guest House, “Denver’s”
Our one-room schoolhouse, “Bissel School”
Jeannie with students from Loyola Marymount
Student from John Carroll University
Jeannie and students from Xavier University
The Farm
two miles into the holler, beyond the E.C.O. Center
Turtle Hill Farm
Deep snow in March at The Comfort Zone on Turtle Hill
The comfort zone
Turtle Hill is where Jeannie lives in her tiny house called the Comfort Zone, surrounded by her many furry and feathered friends. Her flock of chickens provide a rainbow of fresh farm eggs she uses, gives away, and sells. Four pygmy goats keep down some brush, two Great Pyrenees patrol for predators, four cats are expert mousers, and Jeannie serves as an emotional support human for two small house mutts. In case you can’t tell, the farm gives her the most joy as she hosts groups at the ECO Center, interacts with neighbors, and involves herself in community projects.
Rubber Bucket
Maggie visiting The Shack on Rubber Bucket
The Shack
Four-tenths of a mile up the road from The Comfort Zone, Bill lives with his cat in an authentic Appalachian tin roof Shack on a part of the land we call Rubber Bucket, a former Christmas tree farm. He gets daily visits from the goats on Turtle Hill who munch on his grass while he’s chopping wood for winter heat, hauling buckets to recycle gray and rain water, pruning his orchard, or working in his garden. Bill does the majority of the building maintenance and grounds keeping, He likes to lead hikes, swim in the pond, talk politics, and read. Living simply in The Shack doesn’t come easy, but it beats the rat race any day.